Meditation for Beginners
All of our Meditation for Beginners Sessions take place in Tara, Ontario -- in a beautiful rural setting. At this time each Session runs 6 weeks.
We hear a lot about meditation -- whether it’s for mindfulness, relaxation, pain relief, or developing calm -- and it is good for all of these things. What we will be working toward in meditation for beginners is the development of peace, peace in our daily walk in life. We are buffeted by the happenings of the world, by our circumstances and by our very thoughts. Learning techniques to become peaceful in the midst of all of this can only create a more enjoyable life.
We will be using guided meditations to start off with, learn to work with our breath, do a little peaceful walking, and work towards silence. We’ll talk about what to expect when we are starting to meditate and how we can work it into our daily routines. There may even be short assignments for your own daily practice.
I have been doing various meditation practices for many years, and have been a student of Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, Lama Mark Webber (Lama Karma Tenpa Lekshe Yongdu) and many other teachers. I led joint meditation classes with my dear friend Melodie Massey, taught various types of meditation in Port Hope at Herbal and Traditional Healing, and have participated in many retreats.
I am looking forward to sharing my experience with you, and assure you that they will be non-denominational -- suitable for anyone who’d like to spend some time finding a little peace.
Our beginner's meditation class starts again in the Fall ... and our special events start in the Fall as well!
Much love,
Susan McDonald
PS -- I check my email once a day, so it may take me 24 hours to get back to you. No worries, eh?

Please feel free to contact me by phone or email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
PHONE NUMBER: 905-753-2731 (cell)
EMAIL: susan@potterystudio.ca

About Susan
Susan McDonald is an Artist, Potter, Master Herbalist, and Author, -- with a BA in Sociology and a lifelong curiosity about our reason for being here! She has been involved with meditative practices for about 30 years ...